Tucker Carlson interviewt Putin – RU – EN – DE – FR – videos, text

Das Interview von Tucker Carlson – USA – Republikanische Partei –  mit dem Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation Vladimir V. Putin wurde am Freitag, 09. Februar 2024 zeitgleich veröffentlicht auf der Webseite ” President of Russia” – kremlin.ru  und im youtube-channel von Tucker Carlson Networks. Diese 2 Quellen sind sogenannte HISTORISCHE PRIMÄRQUELLEN .


The interviw of Tucker Carlson – USA – Republican Party – with President of Ruassia, Vladimir V. Putin, went on air synchronisized on Friday, 9th of February 2024 and was placed on the website “President of Russia” – kremlin.ru – and in youtubue-channel “Tucker Carlson” (Networks). These 2 sources are socalled HISTORICAL PRIMARY SOURCES..



1. website of the “President of Russia” – kremlin.ru – VIDEO, ENGLISH voice attached

2. website of the “President of Russia” – kremlin.ru – TEXT-version ENGLISH

3. youtube-channel “Tucker  Carlson” (Enterprise Networks) – English voice – with undertitle and transcript function


GERMAN – half-official  voice in Russia Today RT-DE


German voice with transcript-undertitle function – channel “unzensiert international” – youtube-video – title: Das Putin-Interview von Tucker Carlson auf Deutsch (Synchronisation) – URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HvetPMdcYo

RUSSSIAN voice  – channel: AKIpress news – title: Путин и Такер Карлсон 2024. Интервью на русском языке [ съемка Кремля ] – URL  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIbL_MXK8Tg

FRENCH voice – Half-official  Version from Russia Today RT-France in odysee-videos – URL  https://odysee.com/@YellowFlagsInfos:e/TuckerCarlsonPutin:9


linklist from TASS EN, Russian News Agency

  • Western reactions to Putin’s interview with Carlson show ‘medicine hit target’ — Medvedev; in TASS News Agency – 13-Feb-2024 URL  https://tass.com/politics/1745515
  • Serbia’s PM labels Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson as ‘phenomenal’; in: TASS Russian News Agency – 12-Feb-2024 – URL https://tass.com/world/1745213
  • Putin’s interview attains its task of being heard in West — Kremlin spokesman (addition by author: Dmitrij Peskow); IN: tass rUSSIA nEWS aGENCY – 11-fEB-2024 – URL https://tass.com/politics/1744859
  • It was important to inform Americans about Putin’s ideology — Kremlin spokesman; in: TASS russian News Agency – 11-Feb-2024 –  URL https://tass.com/politics/1744851
  • Western media been asking for interview with Putin for two years — Kremlin spokesman (added by author: Dmitrij Peskow) – in: TASS Russian News Agency – 11-Feb-2024 URL https://tass.com/politics/1744845

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*11.06.1953, Bremen, Germany - long years in Neuss/Germany