Ostern: Wunder des “Heiligen Feuers” – Easter: Miracle of “Holy Fire” – Jerusalem

Das “Wunder des Heiligen Feuers” gibt es wahrscheinlich schon seit 2000 Jahren am ORT des Grabes Jesu und seiner Auferstehung von den Toten in der heutigen “Kirche des Heiligen Grabes” in Jerusalem, und zwar PÜNKTLICH zum Termin des GRIECHISCH-Orthodoxen Osterfestes und NACHDEM der griechische Patriarch von Jerusalem ein GEHEIMES Gebet gesprochen hat, das er von seinen Vorgängern gelernt hat.

Ich bringe davon eine Ausarbeitung von Autor Nils Hvidt, OP, Citta del Vaticano, in ENGLISCH und in DEUTSCH.

pdf-file (with photos and colors)  —   HolyFireHvidtDeEngl

Das VERBLÜFFNDE freilich ist: Dieses Wunder ist auch in ROM – und anderswo – GUT BEKANNT – aber man spricht nicht darüber. Vielelicht könnte man sagen: Selbstverständlich bestreite keiner, daß 1+2=3 – aber ich spreche nicht darüber und ich AKZEPTIERE das ERGEBNIS nicht, EGAL wie KORREKT es sein mag oder nicht! Kann man so machen, obwohl sich fragt, was das soll. Die ORTHODOEN Leute aber rufen sich gegenseitig am Ostertag an, “ob das Wunder in Jeruslame” schon da ist – und wenn es da ist, dann wird es – nach 1990 – in alle Hauptstädte der orthodoxen Länder gebracht und dort mit “militärischen Ehren” wie bei einem Staatsempfang   begrüsst und bejubelt. Und na klar: ORTHODXE KINDER haben in diesem Punkte OFT einen INFORMATIONSVORSPRUNG …


Attached is a short historical sketch on the subject covering approx. 2000 years with WRITTEN SOURCES on “Holy Fire”, as elaborated and collocated by Nils Hvidt OP Vatican . The STORY started of course with the CRUCIFIXION of Jesus Christ and his BURIAL PLACE, which Emperor Constantine, the Great, united under the roofs of the famous church “Holy Sepulcre” in Jerusalem – but only after his mother, Helena, in old age had collected REMAINS from life-times of Jesus Christ, which she found in GREAT NUMBERS. Emperor-mother St. Helena not only spotted the “wonder of Holy fire”, but in the geolocation of the later church “Holy Sepulcre” found GREAT PIECES of the CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST. It however was a PAGAN ROMAN EMPEROR, who after the desaster and defeat of 70 AD under Roman Commander TITUS (son of Vespasian, who after suicide of NERO became himself Roman Emperor), “re-decorated” the temple plateau with ROMAN ARCHITECTURE and TEMPLES and built a temple AT THE PLACE of the “crucifiction of Jesus Christ”, for to block out the VENERATION of the place by first Christians. The RUMORS however did not cease totally, that the WONDER OF THE HOLY FIRE started and remaind there RATHER CLOSE TO THE DATE of RESURREXTION of JESUS CHRIST.

The PROCEDURE of the Wonder TODAY is, that within the Church of Holy Sepulcre, the is a smalle “chaper-similar” AEDICULUM built DIRECTLY over the BURIAL PLACE and therefor over the PLACE OF RESURRECTION of Christ. In this small building ONLY the GREEK-ORTHODOX PATRIARCH of Jerusalem at the DATE of the GREEK-Orthodox Pascha-festivity, will be allowed entry – but only after a THOROUGH SCRUTINY of his clothes and body. Indeed the Greek Partriarch finally will be in his priestly “under-wear” – and only now may enter – for to speak a SPECIAL PRAYER, that UNCHANGED CAME DOWN TO HIM by his predecessors – and only AFTER that the SPREADING of a STRANGE “Fire from above”, that will NOT BURN or VIOLATE, will start and lit a bundle of candels in the hands of the Patriarch, who now ill come outside to spread the “LIGHT”.

This EVENT especially AFTER 1990 is spread in news ALL OVER the ORTHODOX COUNTRIES of this GLOBE – and the “fire” brought with planes to the capitals of those Orthodox countries, where it will be greated with a GREAT STATE CEREMONY with soldiers under amrs, the “reception with military honors”. And when in the evening of Easter-Vigil the people are meeting for worship, lots of them are privately INFORMED, that the Wonder of Holy Fire took place in THIS CURRENT again – which by all Orthodox Faithful is “understood” and “interpretated” as STRONG ARGUMENT, that SOME OF CHRISTIAN CORE “beliefs” have a MIRACOLOUS CONFIRMATION, that NOT REALLY can be debated!: WHATEVER DISBELIEVERS or NON-CHRISTIAS debate in the CHRISTIAN COMPLEX, THIS WONDER ITSELF as such cannot be debated – even not today, when some superintelligent Jesuits – and perhaps people from advanced physics in Russia – have started, to DEVELOP a “plasmaphysical” EXPLANATION.

I may say, it may occur, the ADDITIONAL “wonder”, that HARD SCEPTICISM and MILITANT ATHEISM inexplicably CANNOT “accept” this wonder, which hoewever is the source INCREDIBLE JOY among Orthodox Christians – that may have an intensity displayed especially by the Coptic Christians of ETHIOPIA and EGYPT, coldblooded Europeans NEVER HAVE SEEN BEFORE!

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*11.06.1953, Bremen, Germany - long years in Neuss/Germany