Ukrainische Luftwaffe vernichtet – sagen die Russen Ende Aug. 2022

Nachdem der freie Westen vom britischen Generalstab über die kommende russische Niederlage in der Ukraine informiert wurde, haben die Russen Ende August folgendes UPDATE „geliefert“!

Meldung 1 „Russia practically eliminates remnants of Ukraine’s Air Force — source“ – 29. Aug. 2022  – URL

ZITAT: >> „The entire qualified operating personnel of Ukraine’s former air force – of Mig-29, Su-27 and Su-25 aircraft – have been practically eliminated by the effective actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the air defense systems,“ the source said. <<

Meldung 2 „Pentagon to train former Afghan pilots for deployment in Ukraine“ – 29. Aug. 2022 –  URL

Zitat 1 >> „As we know, the Pentagon began recruiting former Afghan pilots who ran to the US together with the Americans a year ago. Their training now kicks off in California with plans to dispatch all of them to Ukraine via Poland afterwards,“ the source said.<<

Zitat 2 >> According to him, these measures won’t affect the outcome of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. „All these hysterical attempts ‘to plug holes’ will only somewhat postpone the Kiev regime’s military catastrophe and the political one of its sponsors in Washington. Yet they won’t impact the end result,“ the source noted.<<

Ingenieurstechnisches Zwischenergebnis: a) Buike Science And Music hat keine Notwendigkeit, seine Einschätzung des Ukrainekrieges zu ändern. b) Buike Science And Music behält seine russisch-orthodoxen Ikonen!

recommended further reading:  Buike, B.A.: Ukrainekrieg 2022 US-Biolabore – Pandemie – Anglosaxon Mission – Andere Infos – Andere Ergebnisse, 128 p. Neuss_ Bruno Buike 2022 – doi-URL

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*11.06.1953, Bremen, Germany - long years in Neuss/Germany